Privacy Policy & Legal

Privacy Statement

Your privacy is important to us, and we are committed to protecting your personal information that you may provide to us. This privacy statement explains what information we may collect about you, if you browse our website and use the freely accessible service, or if you would like to learn more about our services, future development or other similar matters, and in connection you provide us with your contact details.


This privacy statement is prepared by MNG Real Estate B.V. with business ID 80318479 (“MNG Real Estate“) regarding collection of data related to websites (and any of its sub-sites), blogs, events arranged by MNG Real Estate B.V. or its subsidiaries, and to other marketing purposes. All subsidiaries of MNG Real Estate B.V. also apply the principles and policies described herein.


The purpose of this statement is to provide information to i) website visitors and ii) subscribers of newsletters, blogs and other materials, about what information may be collected and how the information is used. By using our website and/or if you submit your personal data to MNG Real Estate, your personal data may be processed as explained in this data privacy statement. This privacy statement also explains your rights concerning the personal data that we process in connection with the above-mentioned activities.


By using our website, you may be asked to provide us with your e-mail address if you are interested in our service, so that we may be in contact with you. By contacting you, we may provide you with more information about our service, let you browse in our members-only area, book hotel rooms and houses, answer any questions that you may have or in general provide you with relevant updates concerning the development of our service and other interesting details about current updates.


After you have provided us with your contact details, you may at any time change your mind and use the unsubscribe button at the bottom of each email that you receive from us. After this, you will not receive any more relevant updates from MNG Real Estate.

MNG Real Estate will only use your contact details in accordance with this Data Privacy Statement, which may be found in full below. We will not use your e-mail address for direct marketing purposes without your explicit consent or sell your contact details to any third parties.


Name of the register

The name of the personal data register is Contact Register of MNG Real Estate (“hereinafter Register”). Data subjects of the Register are the users of MNG Real Estate’s website and the subscribers of newsletters and/or other materials through MNG Real Estate’s website or by other identifiable means.


Purpose and legal basis of processing personal data

When using the site, some personal data that can be connected to an individual person may be collected and processed. The legal basis for processing personal data is MNG Real Estate’s legitimate interest and/or consent provided by an individual when providing his/her personal data in connection with a subscription of blog posts, newsletters or other materials at our website or by other identifiable means. Data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time in an easy way, for example by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email that is sent to data subjects and following the simple instructions on the unsubscription page.


Processing of personal data will be limited to what is justifiable to provide our website users with an improved experience when browsing at our website, and to what is deemed necessary by MNG Real Estate in carrying out its business and improving its services, provided that these interests are not outweighed by the data subjects rights and interests.

If a data subject has provided personal data with his/her consent, they are referred to in this statement as a “Participant”. Participant means a person, who fills in forms of MNG Real Estate or otherwise registers for any of the news, seminars or events. With Participant is also meant any other person, who submits his/her information for contact purposes to MNG Real Estate for example through MNG Real Estate’s website, online chat, by e-mail, or any other way.


Personal data of the Contact register may be processed for the following purposes:

1.         sending monthly newsletters and daily blog notifications,

2.         registration to the events of MNG Real Estate and provide information regarding the events,

3.         direct marketing, if the Participant has given consent;

4.         operational management, administration, analysis, categorization and development of the participant data,

5.         improve and develop MNG Real Estate’s services and products,

6.         statistical analyses,

7.         development and reporting related to the business operations, and

8.         member account creation and analysis

9.         fulfill the obligations based on law and orders of the authorities.


Regular sources of Personal Data

MNG Real Estate collects personal data primarily from the Participants, from MNG Real Estate’s customer database and through cookies.


Content of Personal Data in the Register

If the Participant decides to provide MNG Real Estate his/her personal information, MNG Real Estate collects the information the Participant provides by filling in forms or contacting us. This includes information needed to fulfil the necessary actions regarding newsletter subscriptions, content downloads, registration to events and webinars, booking of hotel rooms or houses, member account creation, informing participants and marketing objectives. To improve services MNG Real Estate may ask Participant to provide us with additional information about Participant such as professional interests, experiences with MNG Real Estate as well as more detailed contact preferences. When you provide MNG Real Estate with any personal information you consent to us collecting and using that information according to this policy.


The Register may contain the following personal data:

•          Basic information (name, title, position, profession, country),

•          Contact information (phone, e-mail address),

•          The represented Company/Organisation information,

•          Project and land related data,

•          Chat & Email discussions, and

•          Participant’s activity (submission of reviews, information on received/opened e-mails from MNG Real Estate)


Use of cookies and related technology

With the cookies MNG Real Estate can collect information about Participant’s usage of internet and online service in general. With this information, we can improve our website and the services to meet the needs of Participant such as offer services targeted more accurately to Participant’s liking, e.g. by saving your favorites and by identifying you every time you return to our site. Cookies may be disabled from Participant’s browser. Please note that by disabling cookies can prevent you from using some content/services on our website.

MNG Real Estate may use other technologies or third party analytical software to collect and use certain non-personal data that does not enable MNG Real Estate to identify the person. MNG Real Estate may use such non-personal data for purposes of analysing usage of the websites and services and managing, providing and further developing the websites and services.


Non-personal data may include general, aggregated, or demographic information. It will not be linked to any personal information, through cookies or other means, without the person’s consent. This type of anonymous, aggregated profiling and session data may include information that the person has provided to MNG Real Estate through the use of the websites, services or products, or taking a part in surveys, polls, etc. However, it will not be tied to any personal information, without the person’s consent.


Transfers and handling of Information

The data that MNG Real Estate collects from Participant may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”). It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work for us or for one of our suppliers (e.g. if our service provider or supplier is located outside EEA). The information may also be disclosed to a third party during a negotiation of any merger or acquisition and the receiving party has undertaken to follow non-disclosure liabilities with respect to the disclosed information. Only necessary personal data is shared with these third parties.


MNG Real Estate will only disclose personal data based on a contract to third parties operating outside EU/EAA, which have taken steps to ensure that adequate data protection arrangements are in place in accordance with the data protection regulation. These may include but are not limited to, standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission, Privacy Shield compliance and certificate or Data Protection Agreements.

Personal Data may be disclosed to authorities in cases required by the mandatory local legislation or court order. Data may also be disclosed if the disclosure is permitted by applicable law, regulation or agreement or consented by the Participant.


Retention of Personal Data

Personal data will be stored only as long as and only to the extent that is necessary in relation to the initial and compatible purposes of processing. When such requirements no longer exist, personal data will be deleted. The requirements is deemed to exist during the period that the Participant receives emails or other materials from MNG Real Estate based on consent. If the data subject has unsubscribed from receiving any communication from MNG Real Estate and there is no other legal basis for processing, personal data will be stored for a limited amount of time, should the Participant wish to re-subscribe to receive information from MNG Real Estate. MNG Real Estate will keep up to date internal policies regarding the erasure of such personal data from the Register.


MNG Real Estate stores personal data in accordance with a possible applicable lawful storing period.


MNG Real Estate evaluates the need to store personal data regularly. In addition, MNG Real Estate performs all possible reasonable measures to ensure that any inaccurate, incorrect, or outdated personal data will be deleted or corrected without delay.


Data Protection Principles

The information security of personal data and processing and confidentiality, integrity, and usability are ensured with appropriate technical and administrative measures in accordance with MNG Real Estate's information security principles.


The vast majority of MNG Real Estate’s personal data is in electronic form. In case there are physical documents containing personal data, such documentation is destroyed immediately. The servers used by MNG Real Estate are protected by appropriate firewalls and technical security.


All databases and information systems are accessible only with individual and personal login information (username and password) granted by MNG Real Estate. The rights to access the database are restricted so that the information can only be viewed and processed by persons who are legally admitted and required to do so.


The employees of MNG Real Estate have bound themselves to comply with professional secrecy and concealment regarding the information they receive during the processing of personal information. Privacy and security guidelines have been communicated to employees and MNG Real Estate shall strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.


Rights of the Data Subject

Data Subjects have the following rights concerning the information that has been recorded into the Register.


Information and access to personal data

Data subject has right to receive information; what data is being collected, the purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended as well as the legal basis for the processing and the recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data, if any.

Right of access by the data subject


Data subject has the right to obtain from MNG Real Estate confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data. If a request is made by the data subject, MNG Real Estate will provide a copy of the personal data undergoing processing. Obtaining a copy of personal data shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.


Right to rectification

Data subject shall have the right to obtain from MNG Real Estate, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her.


Taking into account the purposes of the processing, data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement. In case there are changes in personal data recorded in the Register, the data subject must notify such changes to MNG Real Estate. In addition, MNG Real Estate is responsible for ratifying data it recognizes erroneous itself without delay.


Data used for direct marketing

Data subject has the right to object processing, to the extent that it is related to direct marketing, whether with regard to initial or further processing, at any time and free of charge.


MNG Real Estate shall communicate any rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing carried out to each recipient to whom the personal data have been disclosed unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. MNG Real Estate will inform data subject about those recipients if data subject requests it.


Right to erasure

Data subject has the right to request erasure of personal data in the Register, if the legal basis for processing of personal data has ceased. Despite the request for erasure, the data may not be erased if MNG Real Estate is obliged to process personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.


Right to data portability

Data subjects have the right to receive personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to MNG Real Estate, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format and it is deemed technically appropriate and not disproportionate for MNG Real Estate, the right to transmit the data to another controller.


Request for access to personal data, request for rectification and request for restriction of processing may, in addition, be delivered to our Data Privacy Officer.


Changes to the Privacy Policy

MNG Real Estate has the right to change or update this Privacy Statement at any time, and we recommend that you will read it from time to time.


Contact Information, Updating Your Personal Information

If you have any questions or comments about our Privacy Statement or would like to exercise any of your rights as outlined in this Policy, please email us at

Our Data Protection Officer can also be contacted at

If, as an EEA resident, you believe that we have not adequately resolved any such issues, you have the right to contact your EU supervisory authority.

In the Netherlands this is:

Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

P.O. Box 93374

2509 AJ the Hague, the Netherlands


Customer Register Policy


Name of Register

The name of the personal data register is Customer Register of MNG Real Estate (“hereinafter Register”). Data subjects of the Register are Customers of MNG Real Estate and parties who have subscribed to the demo of MNG Real Estate’s service (“hereinafter Customers”).


Purposes and legal basis of processing personal data

The main purpose of the register is the management of customer relationships.

The personal data of the Customers is processed for the following purposes:

•          Carrying out and administering the customer relationships

•          To create, develop, operate, deliver, and improve products, services, content and advertising

•          Customer communications such as sending notices, communications about purchases and changes to our terms, conditions, and policies

•          Carrying out customer satisfaction surveys and monitoring the results

•          Creating statistics and analytics about customers and

•          Direct marketing based on customer relationship

•          Creation of personal user identification and password mandatory for using the service and administering such prospective client and user.


The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the performance of a contract and the legitimate interest of the controller.

In addition, MNG Real Estate service provides to the end-user of our Customers the possibility to link their email or other accounts to the Service. Explicit consent is required from the end-user for this processing. In doing so, we may receive the limited data as explicitly granted by you that we will process in accordance with this policy.


In general, our services are designed in a manner that we do not collect or store all of the data to which you may provide us access, but minimize our processing through technology. The purpose is to provide the end-user with automated information concerning the legal entities from the Service they are in contact with through their email or other accounts.

The end-user may at any time disconnect the link between the Service and their email or other accounts at their own will, after which the processing will cease. MNG Real Estate does not store the contact details or contents of any emails during the processing.

Legitimate interest of the controller

The processing of personal data for marketing purposes based on prior business and/or contractual relationship with Customers is regarded as the legitimate interest of the controller.


Personal Data Groups

The Register contains the following personal data:

•          Basic User Information such as name, title, role, email address, phone number

•          User Credentials such as personal user identification and password, authentication data for integrations, saved searches, permissions, saved reports

•          IT and Security Data such as IP-addresses, cookies

•          Historical data such as signup date, last login, other usage data, analytics

•          Client Feedback and Marketing Data such as chat and other communication with prospects and customers, feedback from customers

•          Customer-Specific Information such as information received from meetings or phone calls, which is deemed necessary for the administration of customer relationships

Regular sources of personal data


Personal data is primarily collected from the signed agreements by Customers and from the data subject or colleague/manager of the data subject. In the registration process, the content of the collected data depends on information which the Customer/user has submitted. Personal data is also collected directly from the Customers in connection with information received during phone calls, meetings, or other collaboration in connection with the administration of the business relationship, which may be added to the register by MNG Real Estate’s employees.


Automated Decision-making and Profiling

Data concerning the use of the service by Customers is assessed by MNG Real Estate. The purpose is to provide targeted customer content both when using the software and customer communication (emails, website, software, chat, 1 on 1 communication, recommendations on available features) based on the used features, adaptation of the content and customer satisfaction feedback. These procedures include automated profiling.


The Recipients of Personal Data

The primary recipient of personal data are employees of MNG Real Estate. The controller may disclose the personal data to its group companies, subsidiaries and other third parties based on contractual obligations or authority demands.


Personal information may be shared with companies who provide services such as information processing, maintenance, fulfilling customer orders, delivering services, managing and enhancing customer data, providing customer service, assessing interest in products and services, and conducting customer research or satisfaction surveys.


For the above-mentioned purposes, personal data of the Customers can, based on the performance of a contract, be disclosed to the following parties:

•          System vendors and administrators of the servers

•          Cooperation partners and service providers

•          Communication platforms such as Slack.

•          Contact register. Customer data is partly transferred to the internal contact register of MNG Real Estate.


In case necessary by law, legal process, litigation, and/or requests from public and governmental authorities, MNG Real Estate may disclose your personal information.


Transfer of Data outside EU/EAA

In connection with the purposes for processing personal data in the Register, MNG Real Estate may transfer certain information to trusted third parties, which transfer and store the data outside EU/EAA area. Transfer of personal data is secured in accordance with the requirements of the law. Only limited amount of personal data is transferred to MNG Real Estate’s service providers, which is necessary for the performance of the tasks in accordance with the service contract in place.


MNG Real Estate will only disclose personal data based on a contract to third parties operating outside EU/EAA, which have taken steps to ensure that adequate data protection arrangements are in place in accordance with the data protection regulation. These may include, but are not limited to, standard contractual clauses provided by the European Commission, Privacy shield compliance and certificate or Data Protection Agreements.


Storage Period of Personal Data

Personal data will be stored only as long as and only to the extent that is necessary in relation to the initial and compatible purposes of processing. In any event, the personal data is stored in accordance with possible applicable lawful storing period. Personal data will be stored with the following time period or criteria used to determine that time period: The personal data received based on customer relationship is stored for a period of two (2) years, from the termination of the contract.


The controller evaluates the need to store personal data regularly. In addition, the controller performs all possible reasonable measures to ensure that any inaccurate, incorrect or outdated personal data will be deleted or corrected without delay.


Data Security principles of Personal Data

The vast majority of the controllers’ personal data is in electronic form. In case there are physical documents containing personal data, such documentation is destroyed immediately. The servers used by the controller are protected by appropriate firewalls and technical security.


All databases and information systems are accessible only with individual and personal login information (username and password) granted by the controller. The rights to access the database are restricted so that the information can only be viewed and processed by persons who are legally admitted and required to do so.


The employees of the controller have bound themselves to comply with professional secrecy and concealment regarding the information they receive during the processing of personal information. privacy and security guidelines have been communicated to employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.


Right of access and right to rectification by Data Subject

Information and access to personal data

Data subject has right to receive information; what data is being collected: the purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended as well as the legal basis for the processing and the recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data, if any.

Right of access by the data subject


Data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data. The controller shall provide a copy of the personal data undergoing processing. Obtaining a copy of personal data shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.


Right to rectification

Data subject shall have the right to obtain from the controller without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her.


Taking into account the purposes of the processing, data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement. In case there are changes in personal data recorded in the Register, the data subject must notify such changes to the controller. The controller is responsible for ratifying data it recognizes erroneous itself without delay.


Data used for direct marketing

Data subject has the right to object processing, to the extent that it is related to direct marketing, whether with regard to initial or further processing, at any time and free of charge.


The controller shall communicate any rectification or erasure of personal data or restriction of processing carried out to each recipient to whom the personal data have been disclosed unless this proves impossible or involves disproportionate effort. The controller shall inform data subject about those recipients if data subject requests it.


The request may be submitted to the following address

Request for access to personal data request for rectification, and request for restriction of processing may, in addition, be delivered to our Data Privacy Officer.


Right to erasure

The controller shall have the obligation to erase personal data without undue delay where one of the following grounds applies:

•          personal data that is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed;

•          data subject withdraws consent on which the processing is based and there is no other legal ground for the processing;

•          personal data have been unlawfully processed;

•          personal data have to be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union or Member State law to which the controller is subject;


Despite the request for erasure, the data does need to be erased in case the controller is obliged to process personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

The controller, taking account of available technology and the cost of implementation, shall take reasonable steps, including technical measures, to inform controllers which are processing the personal data that data subject has requested the erasure by such controllers of any links to those personal data.


Right to restriction of processing

Data subject has the right to obtain from the controller restriction of processing where one of the following applies:

•          the processing is unlawful and data subject opposes the erasure of the personal data and requests the restriction of their use instead;

•          the controller no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of the processing, but they are required by data subject for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;

In case data subject has demanded for restriction of processing, the personal data may be processed only based on consent of data subject (excluding storage of data) OR for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims OR protect the vital interests of data subject or of another natural person OR to protect vital interest pursuant to Union or Member State law.


Data subject who has obtained restriction of processing shall be informed by the controller before the restriction of processing is lifted, besides if the provision of such information proves impossible or would involve a disproportionate effort.


Right to withdraw the consent and right to object

Data subject shall have the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.


The right to object shall not apply when the processing of personal data is necessary for the performance of a contract or when processing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation.


Data subject is obliged to object the processing of personal data when the lawfulness of the processing is based on the controller’s legitimate interest.


Right to Data Portability

When the processing is based on consent or on a contract:

•          Data subject shall have the right to receive the personal data concerning him or her, which he or she has provided to a controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and have

•          In case technically appropriate and not disproportionate for the controller, data subject has right to transmit those data to another controller without hindrance from the controller to which the personal data have been provided. Transmission of data shall not adversely affect the rights and freedoms of others.


Contact Information, Updating Your Personal Information

If you have any questions or comments about our Customer Register Privacy Policy or would like to exercise any of your rights as outlined in this Policy, please email us at Our Data Protection Officer can also be contacted at


If, as an EEA resident, you believe that we have not adequately resolved any such issues, you have the right to contact your EU supervisory authority.

In the Netherlands this is:

Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

P.O. Box 93374

2509 AJ the Hague, the Netherlands


Database Privacy Policy

Privacy is important to us, and we are committed to protecting personal information that is processed in our database product and service (hereinafter referred to as “Service”). This database privacy statement explains our purposes and legal basis for what information we may collect about data subjects, sources of information and how the information is processed.


What personal data is included in the Service?

Most of the data processed in the Service consists of information about legal entities, such as Companies’ key figures, the area of business and general contact details. However, a limited amount of data is collected and processed which may be linked to the name of natural persons based on their public role in the Company’s business, which has been publicly disclosed in their role as the Company’s representative or is otherwise available and freely accessible in the public domain.


How is the data collected?

The Service is a software-based database, using intelligent data collection technology and machine learning algorithms. The software searches open and public data on a constant basis, extracts, and indexes the data and populates the company fields with the help of named-entity recognition. The collected data consists of data in the public domain, such as public officials, Patent and Registration offices, company websites, press releases and other source material made available to the public by the Company or its representatives. The Service may also provide links to external websites, where Company related information is published.


How is personal data processed?

MNG Real Estate processes only publicly available personal data that is directly related to the person’s role in the Company. Our Service is designed to not collect or process any personal data in the Service in excess of what is directly relative to the Company information. Processing is limited to have a minimal privacy impact and the processing of personal data is not extended beyond what the data subjects could reasonably expect (names and contact details of Company representatives, as available in the original public source). Our intelligent data collection technology constantly re-searches and updates the information we collect and process, which provides that no inaccurate or obsolete personal data related to Companies is stored in the Service beyond a reasonable time. If the original source is updated or removed, the personal data in the Service will also be updated or removed after a short period of time.


How do we ensure the legitimacy of our personal data processing?

The processing of the limited Company related personal data in our Service is based on our legitimate interest to freely conduct business and maintain our Service in accordance with European Union law and national laws. We limit the processing to persons holding a role in public life such as business-people, members of regulated professions, and personal data available in the public domain.


Who owns the information?

MNG Real Estate operates an intelligent database reflecting information available in public sources and the internet. While we index and store data, we control what data is gathered and how we process it. Our processing is uniquely filtering data that is already available, and we do not use it for any other purpose than making it further available to our customers.

When we make the data accessible to a customer, the customer may use our tool to browse through the data we have indexed, and they may choose to import the data into their systems. In doing so, our customers assume control over the data and process personal data in accordance with their privacy policies. We require our customers to commit to the lawful use of the data provided by us.


Detailed information about the MNG Real Estate Database Record

1. Name of the record

The name of the personal data record is Database Record of MNG Real Estate (“Record”). Data subjects of the Record are decision-makers, HR/Relocation/Mobility Manager, Travel Managers, Personal Assistants or Office Managers of legal entities, business-people, members of regulated professions, and other similar data subjects that are considered to fulfill a role in public life and/or maybe in the public interest.


2. Purpose and legal basis of processing personal data

Processing of a limited amount of personal data is based on our legitimate interest to freely conduct business and maintain our Service in accordance with Union law and national laws. Processing is limited to persons holding a role in public life such as business-people, members of regulated professions and personal data available in the public domain or which is in the public interest.


In accordance with the statement in Article 29 Working Party (an independent advisory body established under the EU’s Data Protection Directive (95/46/EC)), business-people and members of the (regulated) professions can usually be considered to fulfill a role in public life.


Our use, processing and maintaining such public data in the database record is limited to have a minimal privacy impact, and processing of personal data is not extended beyond what the data subjects could reasonably expect during the period that the data subject is in the position at the legal entity, and the same information is available and freely accessible by the public in the public domain.


Personal data in the MNG Real Estate database record may be processed for the following purposes:

1.         Presenting the personal data in connection with the legal entity, which is connected to the data subject,

2.         Statistical analyses on Companies based on pseudonymized or anonymized data, and

3.         Fulfill the obligations based on the law and orders of the authorities.

3. Regular sources of Personal Data


MNG Real Estate collects personal data primarily from open and public data of legal entities, which is available in the public domain or has been made available to the public by the legal entities. Regular sources include national Patent and Registration offices (or their equivalents), public officials, company websites, press releases and other source material made available to the public by the Company or its representatives. All personal data in our database is linked to the source where it was acquired, and our technology is designed to update the personal data based on that source.


4. Content of Personal Data in the Record

The Record contains a limited amount of personal data which is directly linked to the data subjects’ role in the legal entity. Other personal data is not included in the Record.

The Register may contain the following personal data in connection with the legal entity:

•          Basic information (name, title, position, country),

•          Contact information (phone, email address)


5. Recipients of Personal Data

Service users and MNG Real Estate’s customers have access to the personal data in relation to the Companies they search for, where such data is available in the Service.

All personal data that is available to the users and customers of our Service is freely accessible in the public domain, or otherwise available to the public in the same manner and similar format as is provided in our Service.

We may use third parties in providing the Service.


6. Transfers and handling of Information

The data that MNG Real Estate collects from data subjects is not transferred to, or stored at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (“EEA”).

However, our Service may be used by our customers and other users at a location outside the EEA. As part of the use of the Service, our customers access the database through searches and filters and choose to import data from our database into their systems. We require our customers to commit to the lawful use of the data provided by us, including the lawfulness of any data transfer. By using the Service our customers and users independently evaluate whether they choose to collect and process the personal data which is available in the Service for its purposes.

Personal Data may be disclosed to authorities in cases required by the mandatory local legislation or court order. Data may also be disclosed if the disclosure is permitted by applicable law or regulation.


7. Retention of Personal Data

Personal data will be stored in the database only as long as and only to the extent that is necessary to provide timely and accurate information on Company decision-makers as part of providing information on Companies included in the MNG Real Estate database, as designed in the Service. When such requirements no longer exist, personal data will be deleted. The requirement is deemed to exist during the period that the data subject is in the position of the legal entity, which has been recorded in the original source. The retention periods for personal data in MNG Real Estate have been designed to reflect the retention period of the original data source. The database is automatically updated on a regular basis, and personal data will not be stored beyond a reasonable time after it has been removed from the original source.


8. Data Protection Principles

The information security of personal data and processing and confidentiality, integrity, and usability are ensured with appropriate technical and administrative measures in accordance with MNG Real Estateäs information security principles. The employees of MNG Real Estate have bound themselves to comply with professional secrecy and concealment regarding the information they receive during the processing of personal information. Privacy and security guidelines have been communicated to employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the company.

All databases and information systems are accessible only with individual and personal login information (username and password) granted by MNG Real Estate. The rights to access the master database are restricted so that the information can only be viewed and processed by persons who are legally admitted and required to do so. The customers and users of our Service may only have access to the personal data which is made available in the Service by MNG Real Estate.


9. Rights of the Data Subject

You as a Data Subject whose personal data is governed by the EU General Data Protection Regulation, have certain rights and this section of the database privacy notice is intended to provide to you information on your rights.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation grants you the below-detailed rights concerning your personal data to the extent that it has been recorded into the Database Record. In the use of your rights, we emphasize that the nature of our service is to collect, index, and filter public data, and all personal data in our Record is obtained from other public sources. If the data is modified or removed from the original source, it will also be modified or erased from our Service shortly.

For any of the below-detailed rights, please submit all requests and inquiries on data protection primarily to the following address

Information and access to personal data

The data subject has the right to receive information; what data is being collected, the purposes of the processing for which the personal data are intended as well as the legal basis for the processing and the recipients or categories of recipients of the personal data if any.

If your data is included in the MNG Real Estate database, its processing shall be governed by this MNG Real Estate Database Record.


Right of access by the data subject

The data subject has the right to obtain confirmation from MNG Real Estate as to whether or not personal data concerning him or her are being processed, and, where that is the case, access to the personal data.


MNG Real Estate will confirm to you if your data is included in our Services, what is the data identifiable to you that we have gathered, and provide you with information about the original source of your personal data.


Right to rectification

The data subject shall have the right to obtain from MNG Real Estate, without undue delay, the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning him or her. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, data subject shall have the right to have incomplete personal data completed, including by means of providing a supplementary statement.

We will automatically update the personal data we gather about you when you change the information in the source of the data.


Right to erasure

The data subject has the right to request erasure of personal data in the Register, if the legal basis for processing of personal data has ceased. Despite the request for erasure, the data may not be erased if there is a legal basis for maintaining the data, or if MNG Real Estate is obliged to process personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims.

We will automatically delete the personal data we gather about you, when you delete the information in the source of the data. Some of the data may be of such nature that it can be preserved based on an exemption of the General Data Protection Regulation or related jurisprudence, such as personal data whose availability is in the public interest.


Changes to Database Privacy Statement

MNG Real Estate has the right to change or update this Database Privacy Statement at any time, and we recommend that you will read it from time to time.


Contact Information, Updating Your Personal Information

If you have any questions or comments about our Database Privacy Statement or would like to exercise any of your rights as outlined in this Policy, please email us at Our Data Protection Officer can also be contacted at


If, as an EEA resident, you believe that we have not adequately resolved any such issues, you have the right to contact your EU supervisory authority.

In the Netherlands this is:

Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens

P.O. Box 93374

2509 AJ the Hague, the Netherlands